Lens care
Taking care of your contact lenses and glasses lenses is crucial in maintaining eye health and long-lasting glasses!
Taking care of your contact lenses can prevent several eye problems. Keep those contacts clean and moistened!
It’s easy to fall asleep while binging your favorite TV series after a long day, but do not forget to take those contacts out! Lenses kept in too long can get dry and dirty, leading to eye infections. Microbial Keratitis is an infection that inflames the cornea because of bacteria. When not treated, it can lead to serious consequences such as vision loss. Sleeping with contacts can also lead to changes in the eye which could lead to the inability to wear lenses at all.
Dry contacts can scratch and irritate your eyes. This is not only severely uncomfortable but can create risks such as corneal abrasions and worsened eyesight. If you are experiencing dry eye when wearing contacts, remove them and moisten them with contact lens solution. While contacts are convenient, it is important to give your eyes a break by wearing glasses. Your cornea needs oxygen too!
Storing your lenses in clean contact cases can help keep them moistened and unsoiled.
Dirty eyeglasses aren’t doing your eyesight any favors! It is important to take care of your lenses and frames so that you can see clearly.
Be careful using the nearest fabric to wipe your eyeglasses! Using objects such as your shirt or a paper towel may seem convenient at the moment, but can lead to scratches and even dirtier lenses. Smudges made from dirt and oils are easy to avoid if you keep a microfiber cloth handy.
When handling your glasses, make sure those hands are clean! Transferring dirt and oils from your skin to your frames is easier than you think. If your frames have nose pads, it is important to keep those clean as well, because they are in direct contact with your skin.
Investing in a sturdy glasses case and a microfiber cloth can save you from the headache of dirty lenses.