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Eye Drops: Are they Effective AND Safe?

The wide world of eye drops: whether it’s for redness, allergies, antibiotics, or just as a simple lubricant, these liquids can be a huge game changer.

Typically held in a little bottle with a suction to make it a smoother fall into the eyeball, eye drops have become quite the convenient form of eye relief.

There are so many types of eye drops, but one thing stands true amongst all of them: follow instructions. If the bottle or your doctor calls for a certain dosage, follow that. Never purchase an eye dropper with medication in it that has not been prescribed to you. When applying eye drops, make sure to wash your hands first and never touch the bottle to your eye or eyelid.

What are the different types? Do they all work?

A common kind of eye drop is the lubricant one, sometimes “called artificial tears.” You can get these without a prescription, and they are typically designed for discomfort created by dry climates, tiredness, or excessive screen time.

Some eye infections, such as ones caused by germ-spreading or lack of contact lens care, require antibiotic eye drops. Antibiotic drops are only for bacterial eye infections. It is essential to listen carefully to doctor’s instructions when prescribed these.

There are also pain-relieving eye drops, which must be prescribed to you by a doctor These are typically prescribed post-eye surgery or to treat an injury or infection.

Redness-relieving drops are also a well known type. Temporary bloodshot eyes can be induced by a number of things. These eye drops reduce the swelling of the red blood vessels, which is what makes your eyes appear that way.

Safety tips:

Make sure to follow exact doctor’s orders when using pain-relieving drops, as they can sometimes cause side effects if used too much. This can especially happen with numbing eye drops, which fall into the pain relief category.

Beware of certain red-eye relief drops, as they can sometimes be decongestants. They will soften the red color, but will also potentially make dry-eye symptoms gradually worse.

Finally, though probably self-explanatory, don’t orally consume eye drops ever! Especially redness-relieving ones, as the Tetrahydrozoline (THZ) chemical used in them can cause severe illness or possibly even death.