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Signs It Might Be Time to Visit Your Eye Doctor

You cannot remember the last time you had an appointment.

If you cannot remember the last time you had an eye exam, you are probably due. Getting your eyes checked often is the best way to catch an early diagnosis and begin treatment for eye diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and more. For reference, once a year should be sufficient for scheduling your eye exams.

Recurring/Frequent Headaches

Headaches are a pain. No doubt about it. It is important to know that headaches can be a signifier of a deeper problem, including problems related to eye health. If you are experiencing frequent headaches that are accompanied by other vision signs, it is time to call your optometrist.

Seeing Double/Blurry Vision

It is natural for your vision to change over time, but if you are having trouble seeing road signs or the classroom whiteboard, go ahead and schedule an appointment with your doctor. More than 150 million Americans use corrective eyewear of some sort, so you are not alone.

Light Sensitivity/Trouble Adjusting

In the age of technology and blue light screens, our eyes have a lot more work to do than they used to. Frequent screen time has a direct impact on your eye health, and your eyes’ ability to adjust to light exposure. If you are experiencing trouble moving from light to dark rooms or near to far distances, talk to your doctor.

You are having other eye problems.

You know your body best. If you feel like something might be wrong with your eyes, do not wait to schedule your next appointment. Other reasons to see your eye doctor may include:

  • Eye Pain
  • Circles or Halos around lights
  • Dry eyes
  • Redness in our around eyes
  • Allergies

By keeping up with your regular eye exams, you could be saving your vision and future health in the years to come. After all, you only have one set — take care of them!