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Our Equipment

Independence Family Eye Care is dedicated to giving its patients the best possible service. This not only includes amazing doctors and customer service but also fantastic equipment and tools as well. Here is a rundown of what equipment you might see at your next appointment!

Auto refractor
Our auto refractor is typically used on new patients. The auto refractor can measure the shape of a patient’s corneas as well as check their prescription. By measuring the shape of the patient’s corneas, we are better able to fit them for contacts.

Refraction is done on all patients. The patient must determine either letters or pictures, so we can offer a prescription that works for them. Refraction can be done in a few different ways, but lenses are shown to patients to see which ones make the letters or pictures clear. This is how we are able to find what works best for you!
We are able to tell a baby’s prescription by shining a light into the eyes to tell if the baby needs glasses or not!

Prisms are another tool we use at our office. If patients are seeing two different images, prisms can bring the image together. This is used for patients who have double vision!

Slit lamp
A slit lamp is used for looking at the exterior part of the eye. Through the use of a slit lamp, we can see if someone has an eye infection, a piece of metal in their eye, etc.

Dilating drops
Dilating drops are used on patients to make a patient’s pupils bigger. We then use a headset with a light and lens to look into the pupil at the retina.
We also have drop spray for children because inserting drops directly into the eye can be difficult for children. By using a spray bottle on the closed eye, the droplets can make their way into the eye when the child blinks!

Retinal camera
A retinal camera is used to take photos of the back of your eyes by using reflective light. The pictures from the retinal camera assist your doctors in assuring your eye health. The retinal camera is not part of every eye exam, but is used for special testing for eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma.