Fun Questions About Eyes!
- Are carrots actually good for our eyes?
At one point or another, we have all been told that carrots are good for our eyesight. Is that actually true?
While carrots are a super source of Vitamin A, it takes more than snacking on carrots to protect your vision! Nourishing your eyes from the inside out is an excellent start to maintaining your eye health. But, wearing UV-blocking shades and getting regular dilated eye exams is the best way to ensure your eyesight stays crisp and clear!
- Can my dog see colors?
While our eyes have three types of cones in our eyes, dogs only have two. Our eyes can identify combinations of red, blue and green. But, our dogs’ eyes can only identify blue and yellow.
- Why do we produce tears when we cry?
Did you know our eyes can produce more than half a cup of tears in minutes?
Our eyes produce tears for several reasons. While we can’t know the exact reason humans cry when having high emotions, scientists have figured out that emotional tears are different from normal tears (i.e. dust gets in our eyes, we sneeze, etc.).The tears we produce when we are overcome with emotions contain stress hormones and are natural painkillers!
- What is that floaty in my eye?
Have you ever noticed a little floaty in your eyesight? It drifts around and they dart away when you try to look at them? Very annoying! So, what is it?
Most of these floaters are due to scattered clumps of collagen fibers that form within the vitreous, the gel-like fluid that fills your eye. They can cast tiny shadows on your retina. While these annoying floaters are typically nothing to worry about, any new floaters, or any floaters associated with flashes of light should be looked at right away by your eye doctor.